If you need a quiet moment, are feeling a lot of emotions or want to calm down, you can make a choice to sit down and take time for yourself.
Whether it’s sitting on a rock on the shore, in your bedroom, or even on a bus wearing headphones, choose a place to meditate that feels quiet enough to splat down and relax.
Now that you’ve found your perfect quiet spot, find your perfect way to sit. Whether it’s stretching your legs out long, sitting cross-legged, or starfished like Patrick, there’s no wrong way to get comfy!
For beginner meditators, it’s a good idea to start with short spurts of meditation and work your way up to longer periods of time. Remember, even a single minute of meditation is better than no meditation!
You’re ready to meditate! Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and try to slooooow down. Imagine blowing out birthday candles when you exhale. Try only breathing through your nose when you inhale.
Remember that meditation is something that people PRACTICE! Keep at it, and you’ll feel better in no time – the important thing is to be kind to yourself along the way!
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